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Download Fixed DATA File [Mali]

Download Satellite raster tiles of Mali. Satellite imagery of the whole world. Processed and carefully stitched together to create a seamless map layer with beautiful colors. The input data was collected in 2016 and rendered as one tiled file.

Download DATA File [Mali]

This dataset produced by the NASA Harvest team includes crop types labels from ground referencing matched with time-series of Sentinel-2 imagery during the growing season. Ground reference data are collected using an ODK app. Crop types include Maize, Millet, Rice and Sorghum. Labels are vectorized over the Sentinel-2 grid, and provided as raster files. Funding for this dataset is provided by Lutheran World Relief, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and University of Maryland NASA Harvest program.

The CCKP is committed to transparency and data availability. All data presented on the site is freely available for download. You can tailor your specific download needs by completing the requests for each download tab. Spatial data is provided as a global NetCDF file, with Climatology, Timeseries and Heatplot data is provided as a CSV file. We are working to complete sub-national aggregation as well as seasonal data for all offered variables and continue to update as new offerings are produced.

HOT activation in Mali covers a large territory and involve various activities in coordination with the humanitarian stakeholders. It requires the participation of many collaborators. Many contributors are supporting this activation through remote mapping with the OSM Tasking Manager to coordinate these efforts. Support team members are also doing various jobs such as find the necessary imagery, mount an imagery server, analyze / validate the database and various data files, geolocate Public services POI's, classify road network and support other mappers.

Set up especially for Mali, you can download up-to-date OSM data on Mali on the HOT Export Tool, including shapefile extracts. To get fresh data, please click on the "Start new run" button if needed.

Various informations are necessary to complete the basic OSM map. We have various data files to geolocate such as populated places and public services (ie. health services, schools, water points, public and religious buildings). We generally discuss about these topics on the #hot irc and various contributors take responsability to geolocate these files.

PetaLinux includes tools to customize the boot loader, Linux kernel, file system, libraries and system parameters.These configuration tools are fully aware of AMD hardware development tools and custom-hardware-specific data files so that, for example, device drivers for AMD embedded IP cores will be automatically built and deployed according to the engineer-specified address of that device.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.

The data used as input for the atlas were normally collected in the context of AAT control activities, and they include both baseline (i.e. pre-intervention) and monitoring surveys (i.e. during or post-intervention). Data collected in these settings are rarely published. An additional source of data is provided by research activities, whose outputs are generally disseminated through scientific publications. The full list of scientific papers whose results have been included in the atlas is provided in Additional file 1: Text S1. For these publications, the unpublished raw data were obtained from authors and used for the national atlas (unlike the FAO continental atlas, which only relies on the information and data that can be extracted from the publications themselves).

The data repository includes digital copies of all input files used to build the database. It stores spreadsheets, scientific articles (as listed in Additional file 1: Text S1), reports, briefs, theses, and further grey literature. At a first level, the tsetse and AAT are distinguished, and they are subsequently structured into subfolders related to different contributing institutions. File names include the time and area of the surveys to facilitate consultation. Most field data recording sheets are stored in the repository as digital spreadsheets, because scanned copies of the original hard copies are rarely available.

In the database, all entomological data are recorded in one single table (see Additional file 2: Text S2). For each record, the table includes the data source, the location (e.g. village) and related administrative units, the geographical coordinates of the trapping site (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees on WGS84 datum), the survey period, the type of trap, the attractant used (if any) and the duration of trapping. The results of the survey are recorded in terms of tsetse species, number of flies caught, apparent density (i.e. flies/trap/day) and sex. Information on the possible presence of tsetse control activities in the surveyed area is also recorded.

The table on data sources summarizes information on the input files stored in the repository. Each source is given a unique identifier and the following information is recorded: the author and institution that generated the source, its title, and the year of production.

The table on epidemiological data summarizes the results of the epidemiological investigations. In this table, each record includes: survey period, diagnostic method, sample size (i.e. number of animals tested), animal species, animal breed, age range, sex, husbandry system and haematocrit/PCV at the herd level. Trypanosomal infections are captured in terms of presence/absence, number of infected animals and prevalence rate. The species of trypanosomes (i.e. T. vivax, T. congolense and T. brucei) are also recorded, as well as mixed infections with more than one species. Information on recent or ongoing interventions against tsetse and on the possible use of trypanocidal drugs (if any) is also recorded. The type of animal sampling (random or purposeful) is recorded, if the information is available. The unique identifiers enable the epidemiological records to be linked to the corresponding sources and geographical entities (see Additional file 2: Text S2).

Various steps were needed to develop the atlas. First, all available input data were collated from the different institutions. If only available in hard copy, the data were digitized (i.e. entered into digital spreadsheets). All digital files were subsequently assembled in the data repository.

The merging of the different datasets into a single database required a systematic process of standardization, harmonization and verification. For example, the format of geographical coordinates were standardized as latitude and longitude (decimal degrees on WGS84 datum); if projected coordinates [i.e. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)] were reported in the input files, they were converted into latitude and longitude. Harmonization was also needed to record information on breeds, husbandry systems, names of geographical locations and the related administrative units.

Also, input files often lacked information on whether interventions against tsetse were taking place or trypanocidal drugs were being used in the study areas at the time of surveys. This is because standard data recording sheets do not contemplate a column to record this type of information. As a consequence, further efforts were needed in an attempt partly to fill these information gaps and to record the related information into the database.

Approximately 1024 data recording sheets were included in the atlas repository (i.e. 305 for the tsetse and 719 for the AAT component, respectively). The review of the published and grey literature also enabled to identify 23 eligible documents. These documents include fourteen articles published in scientific journals (Additional file 1: Text S1), eight additional documents including five PhD theses, one MSc thesis and three BSc theses. The results of tsetse and AAT mapping are summarized in Fig. 1.

The atlas of tsetse and bovine trypanosomosis confirms that trypanosomosis remains a major animal health problem in Mali and that more efforts should be made for its control, especially in the southern-central and southern regions that show a higher prevalence of AAT. These are the zones of cotton production in Mali where AAT severely constraints the use of draught animals. The atlas is a tool that can be used to target control activities, as well as to plan new surveys to fill the knowledge gaps and update results [24]. Updating is particularly important in order to fill the almost complete lack of data and field activities of the last five years. In this context, carrying out new entomological surveys appears more feasible and affordable, while parasitological surveys are more resource-intensive, and therefore challenging. In terms of geographical gaps, further tsetse and AAT data collection should include the North and North-East where virtually no information is available. In these areas, which are expected to be tsetse-free, the occurrence of trypanosomosis (in particular caused by T. vivax) cannot be ruled out because of the combined effect of animal movement and mechanical transmission by non-cyclical vectors. Moreover, it is desirable that the atlas be expanded to include data on livestock species other than cattle. Furthermore, more accurate diagnostics (e.g. molecular tools such as polymerase chain reaction) could be used to increase the sensitivity of detection techniques currently in use. The strong involvement of all stakeholders in providing field data was critical to the successful completion of the atlas. The atlas also contributed to the standardization of recording sheets used in the field to capture data on tsetse and AAT. The initiative benefited from and contributed to building capacity through GIS training-on-the-field workshops for the involved managers and focal points. However, further strengthening the technical capacity of the CCLMT, especially in data management, is imperative for the sustainability of the achievements of the atlas. The atlas is also a fundamental tool for Mali to advance in the PCP for AAT. In fact, the creation of a national level information system on tsetse and AAT is considered as one of the main activities to be conducted in Stage 1, with a view to prioritizing areas and strategies of interventions in subsequent stages. Finally, the methodology developed for the present tsetse and AAT atlas could be applied to other animal diseases, including infections with other trypanosomatids such as T. evansi (i.e. surra). A version of this article in French is available in Additional file 3: Text S3. 041b061a72


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